Tuesday, April 20, 2010


It was addressed to him, no doubt. But there were no details of the sender. Out of impatience and curiosity, he tore open the envelope. In it was a typed sheet of paper which read:
To whom it may concern
You are chosen to be the heir of the vast fortunes of the Tendulker
Family. You, Mr. Saurav Sharma, are requested to grace the meeting
with your presence to be held on the 23rd of this month. The meeting
is to be held to discus the future prospects of the family business under
your guidance. Mr. Pawan Tendulkar would like to meet you in
person after the meeting. The meeting will commence from 4:30 pm
to be held until 8:30 pm, followed by dinner with Mr. Tendulkar.
We most sincerely wish you heartfelt congratulations and look
forward to meeting you during the meeting and to be guided into
prosperity under your able guidance.
With best regards,
Mr. A Chaturvedi
Tendulkar group of companies
A lot of details like the address, the fortune that I miraculously seemed to inherit, the mansions, the estates and the factories- every detail of these with photos attached.
I was kind of dizzy from reading all this. About 11 million worth of fortune was to be in my name if and only if I attend this stupid meeting……….
Somebody was really out of his bloody mind. Some creep was pulling my leg, that too, horribly. This moron thought that if he sends me a bit of gibberish like this I wold go to any place under the earth. And even if this was to be true, which moron would leave behind 11 million worth of wealth to a non- achieving nobody? I have never before heard of any Tendulkars, but I could well presume they are Bengalis. I switched on my computer. I went to google and typed ‘Wealthy Indians’. Many pages worth of gibberish turned up. I typed again: ‘Pawan Tendulkar’. Some creep like that did exit. And the data send to me was more precise than the shit on the net. I felt lost….

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