Sunday, June 5, 2016


Nor a virgin
Neither married-
My all claims
To matrimony
By the very same
Sacrimonial fire
Which blessed
My union.
My grief
All colour
From life
And clothes
At the loss
Of a friend
-or foe?
I was only
Coming to know.
His tastes
-easy to please.
His family
Not so.
Always less.
Always more.
Never enough.
What was i then?
This same question
I now ask-
What am i then?
I still was
many things;
many things
still not.
Judged too human
They thought me a God.
Lest i speak alarmed
Afraid of my divinity
Worried that i would show
All a path to ecstasy
Brainstormed they
For me a way home.
But mere earthlings
A lone way know-
Of ascending to Heaven
From down below:
Like the Sun.
A slight push-
Or a shove?
Fell I
Lightening up
The dark sky.
Fools they,
Wished a wish
For me to relay
As my ungodly screams
Deafened the Heavens.
Then, more wood
More ghee
To hasten
My journey:
I was a God now.
A Sati.


  1. Well I believe I would be wrong person to comment on this one, but it does bring up the last minute emotions to light.
